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Listing For Business & Commercial Establishments, Institutions & Professionals

The Baroda Business Directory includes business and commercial establishments, institutions and professionals in and around Baroda. It has a convenient search facility to help you locate companies and professionals, and also the products and services that they offer. The listing charge is Rs. 400 per year or US $10 per year.
 Please Fill Up The Details Below The fields marked with * are compulsory.
* Email Id (eg.: example@yahoo.com)
(Note: You may use letters, numbers, underscores and one dot before @)
* Password (Minimum 6 and maximum 32 characters)
* Confirm Password
  * Name (No. 1 for a company or commercial establishment or institution; No. 2 for a professional; No. 3 if there is an alternative name for your business)
1. Name of company or
    commercial establishment
2. Your name, if you are a
3. Alternative name (if any)
  Address & Contact Details
* Address Line 1
  Address Line 2
  Address Line 3
* City / Town
* State
* Pin Code / Zip Code
* Country
* Phone No. 1
Do Not Display No.
  Phone No. 2
Do Not Display No.
  Phone No. 3
Do Not Display No.
Do Not Display Fax
* E-Mail
Do Not Display Id
  Web Address
  Weekly Holiday 1
  Weekly Holiday 2
  Working Hours
  Contact Person 1  
  Branch Offices
City / Town   Country   Address   Phone No.   E-Mail
 Type of Activity You Are Engaged In (TICK & Fill In Details Wherever Applicable)
Trader / Wholesaler / Retail Shop
Service Provider
       (You can fill up more than one box to specify the nature of service, such as Travel Agency, Restaurant, Hotel, Hospital, Coaching Class, Training
       Institute, Beauty Parlour, Art Gallery, Etc.)
       (You can fill up more than one box to specify your profession, such as Doctor, Chartered Accountant, Lawyer, Programmer, Engineer, Etc.)
Institution (Association, Trust, NGO, Welfare Body, Charitable Organisation, Government Dept., Institution, etc)
  Brief description of your business, commercial and professional activities (maximum 400 words)
  Key Words & Activity Categories To Help Viewers Search For You:
  Please mention the key words (related to your commercial, manufacturing and professional products, services and activities) which in your opinion can help viewers to quickly   search for your listing.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
The listing will be online within 3 days. You may edit your listing as often as you like. We reserve the right to suitably modify the text as submitted by you, or to not include the listing sent by you. You should update your listing at least once in six months.